Living an Abundant Life: Work!
Living an Abundant Life:
Genesis 2:15; 3:19
One of the first established rules of human society: the law of our existence, the rule for improving ourselves, mind, body, and spirit. Be productive!
A young man applied for a job in a factory. The owner, having hired all he needed, said, “I’m sorry but we just don’t have enough work for you to do.” The young man said, “You don’t know how little work keeps me busy.”
God’s rule of human life is: You can’t get something for nothing. Work or fail.
Being productive means we have a better chance of being successful. Yeoman Shield said:
The father of success is work.
The mother of success is ambition.
The oldest son is common sense.
Some of the other boys are: Perseverance, Honesty, Thoroughness,
Foresight, Enthusiasm, Cooperation.
The oldest daughter is character.
Some of the sisters are: Cheerfulness, Loyalty, Courtesy, Care,
Economy, Sincerity, Harmony.
The baby is opportunity,
Get acquainted with the “old man” and you will be able to get along
pretty well with the rest of the family.
One of the greatest success stories of all times relates to the building of the walls of Jerusalem, which Nehemiah writes was accomplished: “for the people had a mind to work” (Neh. 4:6). The Hebrew word translated “mind” is the word “heart,” which shows us really where the ethic lies for work: in the heart.
Work is included in the biblical list of three things essential for success: 1 Thess. 4:11.
There are three alternatives to work, which the Bible does not present as viable alternatives:
Begging: Luke 16:3
Starving: 2 Thess. 3:10
Stealing: Eph. 4:28
The Bible has strong words of rebuke for those who do not put in an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. Jesus, of course, was a carpenter; Paul was a tent-maker.
Proverbs 6:6; 18:9; 21:25.
Through planned work, man sets his sails to favoring breezes. - Leroy Brownlow
Being productive is a natural way to enjoy good health. Health requires sleep, contentment, food, water, and exercise. But if you will meet the “exercise” requirement, the others usually follow naturally.
One teacher, when he was young, went with a friend down in Texas to a German settlement. The Germans did not speak English and the preacher (he was not a preacher at that time) and his friend did not speak German. But they all spoke the universal language of hard work, hungry appetites and exhaustion.
Our behavior speaks volumes that words cannot fill.
Listen to Solomon: Ecclesiastes 5:12.
If you quit being productive, the “Grim Reaper” will catch up with you sooner. Idleness allows the mind to imagine 1,000 ills! Staying productive strengthens the mind; a strong mind strengthens the body.
There is not a BOGO for a happy life. There is no discount. You can’t cheat for a happy life and you can’t bargain to a happy life. You have to be productive or you will not be happy.
The parasite will never know paradise.
Many years ago, back in the 50s, a high school principal decided to see how many students admitted they liked to work. He found a very interesting thing — the boys and girls who liked to work were the ones most likely to be satisfied with life. They are the ones who would have a future that is surely going to be full of security, success, and happiness.
2 Thess. 3:11. Busybodies! A result of unfulfillment and frustration, grown in the field of idleness. Doing nothing is a hard row to hoe; Solomon says it is a “hedge of thorns” (Prov. 15:19).
Take home message: God didn't create us to sit around all day. Get busy and be productive to fulfill your purpose.